TRAVELER'S notebook Refill Connecting Rubber Band 011

The shipment is made from the center of France, you will receive your order in a few days. A tracking link will be sent to you as soon as it is shipped to track your package in real time.
No need to worry about shipping costs anymore, as soon as your cart reaches this amount, we take care of the delivery, wherever you are in Europe.
If your order has a problem, don't worry, we are here to help you. Contact us through our contact page by attaching photos of the product, and we will take care of finding the best solution for you.
011 Elastiques à relier pour TRAVELER'S notebook au format passeport TRAVELER'S COMPANY.
- Pack de 4 élastiques.
En cumulant plusieurs carnets, vous multipliez les possibilités d'utilisation. Reliez par exemple, un agenda et un bloc note, distinguez le carnet à usage professionnel du carnet personnel, ... Choisissez vos carnets selon vos besoins et agencez votre Traveler's Notebook comme bon vous semble.
Vous pouvez désormais créer votre parfait compagnon de voyage ou de travail.